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PPC Services San Antonio: Focused on Your Results.

PPC management can be hard.  Choose a PPC agency in San Antonio who can help guide you through the endless options in online advertising.

ppc management services san antonio

WATCH: A live audit of a Google Ads account

Our PPC agency philosophy: Manage your money like it was our own.

You need a PPC agency in San Antonio, TX who will manage your funds as every dollar counts. We will eliminate spend that is not working, ensure you don’t go over budget, and pause campaigns when the results are not there.

We believe that if something is not working, then we should pause it and try something else. If the incorrect keywords are triggering ads, then we can find them and add them as negatives to the campaign, or account. If tracking is broken, then we know how to fix it. Sounds pretty straightforward, but these are rare attributes you won’t find at every PPC agency.

At Pear, our dedicated to making your PPC investment worthwhile. We’ve set up solid PPC management plans and processes to ensure you get the most out of your money. We won’t try to sell you things you don’t need, and we’ll be upfront if PPC isn’t the best choice for you. We believe in honesty and making sure you get real value for your investment.

Get Expert Advice from a PPC company in San Antonio

WATCH: A live audit of a Google Ads account (8 min.)

Want a personalized, live audit of your PPC account?

Looking for PPC Services in San Antonio?

Alamo Heights, TX
Balcones Heights, TX
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Olmos Park, TX
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Selma, TX
Shavano Park, TX
Southtown, TX
Stone Oak, TX
Timberwood Park, TX
Universal City, TX
Windcrest, TX

The Pear Difference

Why choose Pear Analytics for PPC services?

NEW! Free fraud protection included!

Introducing our new offering for 2023! Now, every account comes with free fraud protection monitoring. Why? Because 17% of internet traffic isn’t from real people – it’s from bots, competitors, or other unlawful activities. We stop them! We make sure your ads are clicked by real, interested people, not fake ones. This means your budget goes where it matters, making your ads work better on Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.

No automated bidding software

At Pear, we do things differently. While some use fancy automated tools that don’t really get your business, we believe in a more personalized touch. Our team skips the techy shortcuts and goes for a hands-on approach. They take time to understand your business, making sure we get things just right. We understand that true success in SEO requires a personalized touch that AI simply can’t grasp.

Full transparency

At Pear, we handle your PPC account and keep your data safe – simple as that. All the smart decisions we make to set up your account stay with you. You will always know what you are spending on ads compared to our fees, and we’ll calculate how well your ads are performing for you. Plus, we work out the return on ad spend for each client, so you can see the value you are getting.

Direct expert access

Talk directly to the team who came up with your plan. These are the minds behind keyword analysis, ad creation, and keeping an eye on your budget. They are the ones who make it happen, just for you!

Gorgeous, easy-to-read reports

Say goodbye to random Google Analytics screenshots. Instead, we create a clear and helpful dashboard with all the information you need. Every Monday, it lands right in your inbox, which makes it super easy for you to track what matters most for your success.

San Antonio PPC Services

Keyword Research

We use smart software to make a comprehensive list of keywords related to your business. We analyze their costs and segment them in a smart way. Then, we set up the basic structure to make your online presence stronger through carefully chosen keywords.

Competitor Analysis

We take a closer look at your main competitors, studying what keywords they use, their ads, and their website pages. This helps us figure out how to make your business stand out from the rest.

PPC Strategy

We design a comprehensive blueprint that fits your budget and goals. We look at selected channels to reach people, audiences, and geolocation targeting. This plan will be based on thorough keyword research and competitive analysis to optimize your online presence.

Account Creation & Setup

Pear can set up your PPC accounts for you, or you can grant us access to ones you already have. We’ll guide you through the process step-by-step.

Google Ads

Pear can set up a new Google Ads campaign for your business, or optimize campaigns you already have.

Facebook Ads

PPC Services San Antonio business use frequently are Facebook Ad campaigns for both direct-to-consumer ads, or retargeting previous website visitors and lookalike campaigns.

Amazon Ads

Pear is adept at setting up and managing Amazon Seller Central Ads for your business. Wether you are a distributor, or have your own products, we can help set up ASINs, create and manage listings, and help get you the buy box on your products!

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn ads can be a great solution for your business if you want to reach a specific audience with a job title or company.  We can set up Sponsored Content or Sponsored Messages advertising, with a strategy for each.

Account Rebuilds

Many of our clients, approximately 50-60%, face the challenge of underperforming ad accounts. In such cases, we recommend hitting the pause button on their current ads and starting fresh with new campaigns and ad groups. This way, we can give them a better chance to succeed.

Account Audits

Interested in an Account Audit? Share your details, and we’ll take a close look at your account’s structure, setup, tracking, and results. Then, we’ll share our honest insights to help you make improvements and get better results.

Ad Creative

Let our designer experts boost your brand! We create eye-catching display ads in any size or format for any platform. We understand the details and design ads that perfectly match your brand style.

Tracking & Analytics

Before we launch any campaign, we prioritize detailed tracking. We set up goals, events, and call tracking to make sure we get credit for all the leads and sales we generate.

Landing Pages

Enhance your campaigns with our ability to create impactful landing pages or make your current page even better. Plus, we’ll build a special Landing Page System specifically designed for WordPress that offers functionality and increases performance.

PPC Optimization

Keeping things on track is important for a successful campaign. We put continuous effort into checking ad copy performance, the quality scores of keywords, and how the landing pages are performing to keep things moving in the right direction.

CRM Integration

Don’t lose potential customers! When you pay for website traffic, it’s important to keep track of the leads. We make sure none of your leads slip through the cracks by connecting Google leads to almost any CRM, making your investment work smarter for you!

Real-Time Reporting

Get personalized updates with our custom dashboard and reporting tools made just for you. Every Monday, we send you a weekly report, and each month, your PPC specialist will send you a detailed analysis report.

CTa image

Not sure what you should spend? Check out our PPC budget calculator!


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